We are delighted to announce that the Dutch Heart Foundation will fund the national EmbRACE consortium addressing the early detection and targeted therapy of atrial fibrillation. The 2.5M€ EmbRACE consortium (Electro-Molecular Basis and theRapeutic management of Atrial Cardiomyopathy, fibrillation and associated outcomEs) is the successor of the CVON RACE-V consortium and integrates researchers from universities and hospitals in Groningen, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, Rotterdam, Arnhem en Eindhoven. The consortium will be led by Profs. Ulrich Schotten (Maastricht) and Michiel Rienstra (Groningen). Within this consortium, Dr. Jordi Heijman will be one of the work-package leaders for the computational modeling component of this project. The goal of this work-package is to create a computational framework to link mechanistic insights about atrial cardiomyopathy to clinical parameters and outcomes, with the ultimate aim to be able to use this knowledge to personalize and improve therapeutic strategies.